Some of my projects from last year..


A React app featuring all the latest movies by consuming the TMDB API. The user can see a list of movies, the details and the casting of any particular movie. There's a search functionality as well to fetch a specific result.

Technologies used: HTML / CSS / React.js / Prop-types

“Meg Rooms”

It's like a room-booking web-app at your vacation spot! User can see featured rooms. They can filter the rooms based on type, price, size etc. No API has been used, I built it by using the data in a JSON format from my local repository.

Technologies used: HTML / CSS/ React.js/ Styled-Components


A simple picture gallery app resembling instagram minimalist-design built using React and Redux.

Technologies used: HTML / CSS / React.js / Redux

“Megminiurl Shortner”

An URL-shortner built by using vanilla frontend technolgies.

Technologies used: HTML / CSS / JavaScript / Local Storage

“Tic Tac Toe”

Tic-tac-toe game for 2 players on a 3 x 3 board size

Technologies used: HTML / CSS / JavaScript

“Hollywood Burgers”

My first major project when I was learning React. The app lets the user to choose what type of burger they want - with what fillings (meat/salad/cheese). I also added the functionilty to submit your order and checkout. It then navigates to the "Orders" page where you can see a list of all the orders.

Technologies used: HTML / CSS / React.js / Redux